Professional Standards Unit
Captain Timothy Allen
Rhode Island State Police
Office of Professional Standards
311 Danielson Pike
North Scituate, RI 02857
Phone: (401) 764-5614

The Professional Standards Unit
The primary function of the Professional Standards Unit is to ensure the integrity of the Rhode Island State Police and its personnel through a comprehensive and objective process of investigating inquiries into all complaints and allegations of employees or employee misconduct. The Unit strives to ensure that the integrity of the Division remains intact. Each investigation is conducted objectively, thoroughly, and without bias.
Citizens have an expectation that those who are vested with the responsibility of enforcing the law of this state, as well as civilian employees, will hold fast to the standards of professional and individual conduct to preserve the respect, confidence, and cooperation of society. With this in mind, we encourage you to contact us with any compliments or complaints you may have about the Rhode Island State Police. The Division accepts complaints against any employee, policy, procedure or operation of the Division.
This is not the place to file a criminal complaint. Please file all criminal complaints at your local barracks.
Compliment Exceptional Performance of a State Police Employee
The best way to recognize the exceptional performance of a trooper or civilian is to submit a Compliment Form describing the incident and the actions the employee demonstrated which you felt were exceptional. Compliments received will be forwarded to the employee, his/her barracks/unit supervisor, the superintendent, and a copy placed in his/her personnel file. Although our employees do not expect to be thanked for everything they do, recognition of exceptional service is always appreciated. If known, information such as the date, time, and location of the incident may help identify the employee if you do not know his/her name.
Procedure for Filing a Complaint Against a State Police Employee
You may file a complaint in person, by telephone, in writing via postal mail, via facsimile, or via email. To expedite the investigation process and gather the facts as accurately as possible, you are asked to provide a written statement using our Complaint Form. You must specifically identify the basis for your complaint and provide as much detail as possible concerning the incident. If known, information such as the date, time, and location of the incident may help identify the employee if you do not know his/her name.
Complaint / Compliment against a State Police employee forms may be submitted in the following manners:
- Delivered in person to: Any of the Rhode Island State Police Barracks
- Emailed to: The Professional Standards Unit at
- Faxed to: The Professional Standards Unit at (401) 444-1105
- Mailed to: Rhode Island State Police – Professional Standards Unit, 311 Danielson Pike, North Scituate, RI 02857
All compliment and complaint forms will be forwarded to our Professional Standards Unit.
You may submit a compliment or complaint anonymously; however, inquiries are less likely to reveal all the facts surrounding an alleged incident when the investigator is deprived of the opportunity to contact the complainant. It is strongly encouraged that you provide your name and contact information to facilitate the inquiry.
Description of Investigative Process
Thorough and objective investigations shall always follow complaints that are made against State Police employees. Depending on the nature of the allegations, an investigation would generally include interviews of and/or memorialized accounts by complainants, witnesses, and our employees, along with the collection and analysis of relevant documentary, physical, and other forms of evidence. All investigations shall be conducted in accordance with Division policy, applicable collective bargaining agreements, and the provisions of the Law Enforcement Officers' Bill of Rights under State law.
Conclusion of Investigations
A comprehensive investigation will generally end with one of three determined classifications:
- Founded (proven),
- Unfounded (disproven) or,
- Unsubstantiated (insufficient evidence to prove or disprove).
Complainants will be notified in writing at the conclusion of any internal investigation. By law, we are generally restricted from commenting on matters concerning confidential inquiries into personnel matters, however, appropriate corrective action and/or discipline is applied when allegations are substantiated. In an effort to improve the professionalism of the Division, counseling and/or remedial training may be implemented, regardless of an unsubstantiated finding.
Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA)
The Rhode Island State Police is committed to a zero-tolerance policy of sexual assault and sexual victimization. This zero-tolerance policy applies to ALL, including every Division employee and every person under our custody and supervision.
Report any assaults or victimizations involving yourself, or on behalf of another person, that are sexual in nature:
- To any trooper in person
- File a complaint using the Complaint Form
- Contact the Rhode Island State Police at (401) 444-1000 or visit the Rhode Island State Police website
- Contact Rhode Island Victims of Crime 24-hour hotline at 1-800-494-8100