Rhode Island Joint Cyber Task Force

The Rhode Island Joint Cyber Task Force (JCTF) was established to prevent and respond to cyber security events and defend the security of critical infrastructure. The RIJCTF is comprised of members from the Rhode Island State Police Computer Crimes Unit and individuals representing higher education, hospitals, finance, utilities and defense. This cyber initiative is in line with the President's mandate on cyber security. The RIJCTF provides analysis and support prior to and during catastrophic events affecting critical cyber infrastructure in Rhode Island, and ensures continuity and restoration of cyber operations.
The Rhode Island Emergency Management Agency and the Rhode Island State Police Computer Crimes Unit works jointly with the Rhode Island National Guard, Internet service providers and utility companies as well as other state/private stakeholders in developing the State Cyber Disruption Annex to the State Emergency Operations Plan. The Annex addresses the State's response to cyber disruptions caused by natural hazards, widespread virus or cyber attack which affect critical infrastructure, whether public or private, to ensure continuity of service and the safety of Rhode Island citizens.
The RIJCTF provides analysis and support prior to and during catastrophic events affecting critical cyber infrastructure in Rhode Island, and ensures continuity and restoration of cyber operations. As a communications conduit between federal, state, military, and private entities, it brings together law enforcement, cyber security experts, the business community and educational institutions to secure the technology upon which the state's critical infrastructure relies.
The RIJCTF identifies areas in which critical state assets are vulnerable, including the possibility that a health care provider's patient information or a bank's financial records could be compromised. Solutions are found and implemented by studying existing practices and commissioning original research and development. The group also oversees education initiatives to raise awareness about cyber security challenges and assists in providing law enforcement with the instruction and technical training needed to develop a workforce capable of meeting these challenges.
Join the Joint Cyber Task Force
Business owners and other professionals are invited to join the Rhode Island Joint Cyber Task Force. Task Force members come from a variety of private and public organizations, including small businesses and large corporations. They work together to identify, assess and mitigate risks given the increase in volume and sophistication of cyber threats. Benefits of joining the Task Force include networking with cyber security experts from a variety of industries; learning how to identify vulnerabilities within your organization; receiving current information about safety and security issues; participating in quarterly meetings featuring guest speakers; and having access to tools and resources to address cyber threats.
If you are the owner or employee of a business or institution and are interested in joining the Rhode Island Joint Cyber Task Force, complete the form below.
JCTF Partnership Form
The Rhode Island Joint Cyber Task Force is to respond to cyber disruptions caused by natural hazard, widespread virus or cyber attack which affect critical infrastructure, whether public or private, to ensure continuity of service and the safety of Rhode Island citizens.
Cyber Security Initiative
The Rhode Island Cyber Security Initiative works to address gaps in protecting critical infrastructure within Rhode Island from cyber attacks and cyber terrorism related events. The investigators prevent, protect against, detect, respond to and assist in the recovery of cyber terrorism related incidents. The Initiative also assists in the assessment of risks to Rhode Island's critical cyber-infrastructure, identifying potential means of cyber attacks and recommending protective controls for critical information systems.
Multi-State Information Sharing & Analysis Center (MS-ISAC)
We are a proud member of the MS-ISAC, which is the focal point for cyber threat prevention, protection, response and recovery for the nation's state, local, tribal and territorial (SLTT) governments. The MS-ISAC 24x7 cybersecurity operations center provides real-time network monitoring, early cyber threat warnings and advisories, vulnerability identification, and mitigation and incident response. Center for Internet Security